Eligibility Criteria for Admission into 3 year Diploma courses
The candidates seeking admission should have appeared for the X class examination, conducted by the Board of Secondary Education, Andhrapradesh or equivalent Examination thereto, at the time of making application to the common entrance examination for polytechnics (POLYCET). In case candidates who apply pending results of their qualifying examinations their selection shall be subject to production of proof of their passing the qualifying examination in one attempt or compartmental at the time of interview for admission.
Admissions are made based on the merit rank obtained in the POLYCET and the reservations rules stipulated by the government of Andhra Pradesh form time to time.
Admissions into DIPLOMA courses are made through CONVENER QUOTA and MANAGEMENT QUOTA.
- For further details visit : http://diploma.pscmr.ac.in
S.No COURSE INTAKE 1. Diploma in Mechanical Engineering(DME) 60 2. Diploma in Civil Engineering(DCE) 60